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Privacy policy

Dear visitor, We use a third-party advertising company to serve ads, and when you visit our website, this company may use information about your visits to this site (except name, address, email address or phone number) to provide advertisements about goods and services that It matters to you via the DART cookie.

                                       The use of the DART cookie can be prevented Click here                                   
 If you would like to know what options are available to you to prevent the use of this information by these companies and more information about this site's privacy policy, please read this page carefully.

At https://villaelfursan.blogspot.com/, the privacy of our visitors is of extreme importance to us. This privacy policy document outlines the types of personal information we collect and how it is used by us and our advertisers.
We use Google ads as an external financial resource, so Google uses cookies to display ads on our site.By using the DART cookie, Google will be able to show ads "based on interests" for users based on their visits to our sites
Of course, our dear visitors can disable the use of the DART cookie by visitingPrivacy Policy for Google Ads and the Content Network.